Major Supermarket Group in Portugal
Malodours can cause major problems for businesses, especially supermarkets that experience high footfall. For a major supermarket in Portugal it was leaving a negative perception in the mind of the customer and was damaging the company’s brand.
The Problem
This busy supermarket was experiencing bad smells at the entrance to the store. Previous solutions had not been successful as the automatic doors were constantly opening and closing. They approached Cannon Hygiene Portugal to see if they could find a solution.
The Solution
The agreed solution was CannonScent, Cannon Hygiene’s scenting solution for major brands. Using pure perfumes, CannonScent creates a unique environment and engages customers’ memories, emotions and perceptions. Scents can be tailored to the specific needs of the business, for example, floral scents, bakery or coffee.
This customer trialled a coffee scent and a floral scent, but eventually decided to use the floral scent.
Two modular units were placed on either side of the entrance door so that when customers entered they were immediately met with evocative smells and a pleasant environment.
The Results
Customer satisfaction has increased and the only smell now is one of flowers.